The Structure in the Name of Alkis participated in the 1st Youth Sports Festival of the Vasilika Eagle, which was dedicated to the memory of Alkis Kampanos, and all the money raised from the Stavento concert that followed, has been offered entirely to the support of little Joseph.
Domi,participating in the festival,where famous people of the athletics and the society has been attending,reached over 2000 people and informed them about the Domi in the name of Alkis and it’s purposes and also called them each one to be the fuel and the inspiration to change the athletic culture and say a big NO to violence.
As among others mentioned Mr Alexandros Tzimbilis,member of the Domi council,the Domi is the mean to change all the bad things regarding the athletic violence in Greece and called everyone to support this goal ,while he also reffered the Chris Vagionas song “My name was Alkis”.
The participation of the Domi in the festival was very successful in every level thanks to all our people and our volunteers!